I WRITE regarding the West Way Botley redevelopment. An expression often used by the tennis legend John McEnroe – “you cannot be serious” – springs to mind.

Having seen the plans it seems that Doric Properties is considering demolishing Field House, which is the home of some 60 elderly residents, and replacing it with a cinema.

Apart from the moral issues here, surely this would be counter-productive. We keep being reminded that our elderly population is increasing faster than we can provide the necessary accommodation for them. Hospital bed-blocking has become a problem for the very same reason.

Let us look on the bright side and pray that this ridiculous rumour never becomes a reality.

However, should this diabolical scheme ever be allowed to get off the ground, perhaps the supporters of such an anti-social crime should consider a couple more idiotic ideas while they are at it:

  • Demolish Seacourt bungalows for the elderly and replace them with a supermarket
  • Demolish the Seacourt Bridge public house, as this is the last remaining pub we have in Botley, and replace it with a high-rise block of flats for student accommodation.

This would have the added bonus of achieving total gridlock for the traffic on Botley Road.

PETE COULING, North Hinksey Lane, Botley, Oxford