Tim Siret is correct (ViewPoints, Tuesday December 11). Here we go again.

Remember Saddam Hussein – the guy with the WMD? Now Assad’s accused of preparing to use VX nerve gas.

Prior to the Iraq conflict, Bush, Blair and their backers, the Neo-Cons (now gone to ground), Israel and the Wall Street Kids, exaggerated the dangers of Islam to scare China and Russia, and ensure the flow of crude oil. Fortunes were made, and unbelievable costs incurred.

Washington’s figure for war was $850bn, but Nobel Laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard’s Linda Blime put the figure at $3 trillion once additional impacts on the US budget and economy were taken into account.

Then there’s the irreparable loss of life and limb: 5,000 US and UK troop deaths and thousands of casualties, many with appalling lifelong consequences. Researching costs and casualties is time-consuming.

Top politicians, civil service staff and journalists are well-catered for by frequent seminars and multitudes of minions, an information service often misused and ultimately paid for by those who actually pay tax.

I apologise for any trivial discrepancies. Just 10mg of VX nerve gas is sufficient to be lethal and can be administered in doses too small to notice. It takes weeks to recover from even a sub-lethal does. A lethal dose means a relatively slow and hideous death.

US-Nato propaganda doesn’t explain huge problems arising from use of VX. Has Assad even got it, let alone technology plus inhumanity to use it ? Is Iran next on the Globalists’ list ?

STEPHEN WARD, Tudor Close, Oxford