ROY Darke’s letter (ViewPoints, December 12) I find misleading.

He says: ‘Northway Community Association needs new blood and ideas’.

That seems to be a strange statement when, at this year’s AGM in March, he was replaced as the unelected chairman of NCA along with his committee and was replaced by a chairman in his mid 20s and a committee mostly under 45.

The matter was referred to the Charity Commissioners, who ruled against him in around May/June 2012.

This younger committee has worked consistently with the Social Club Committee for the benefit of all at Northway.

There is a lunch club, coffee mornings, bingo twice a week, the local boys, girls, men`s football teams are based at the centre and there is Group 180 operating in the centre five days a week.

If Councillor Darke is so concerned about having the centre open during the day there is no reason why he should not set up and run an interest group himself, considering he is retired, as most people on committee have full-time jobs during the day.

It must also be remembered that NCA is supported by £2,500 per month paid from the Social Club for rent.

DAVE ROBINSON Meaden Hill Headington Oxford