I cannot for the life of me understand how the US Constitution, the 2nd Amendment and the “Right To Bear Arms” isn’t changed immediately, in light of the latest loss of life in Connecticut.

The original document was written hundreds of years ago when it took several minutes to prime, load then shoot the weapon. Now just about anyone can go buy a gun and 30 bullets and fire them all in seconds.

Mental health issues seem to be another serious problem, with multi-firing weapons easily available. How many more kids have to die before major changes are legislated for?

Of course teachers also die in these massacres and I’ve noticed how unionised teachers in the USA get bad press from Washington legislators.

These same teachers, called “leeches” and “drones”, actually shielded kids and died doing the job. I wonder what the politicians would have done?

For the sake of American kids and teachers, I hope this president does something this time.

One did not expect the gun-loving Bush family to tackle this problem and Clinton failed miserably too.

Hopefully the money behind guns in America will lose the debate, as the alternative is more death and mayhem.

Only drastic changes like what happened here after Dunblane are the only justifiable way forward, surely, or will the “greenbacks” win again?

TIM W SIRET Millmoor Crescent Eynsham