THE flood barriers came down at Osney Island on Tuesday and then the following day Oxfordshire County Council began to look towards even better defences for the future.

There is a slight feeling of deja vu from 2007 in that the water recedes and then there is talk of Government pots of money available.

We hope the response by organisations such as the councils and the Environment Agency proves as effective as five years ago because, while the initial dump of rain was not of 2007 levels, our reading is that all the work done by our public services since bore fruit last week.

Maybe not everything was seamless, but certain areas that were teetering on the brink of major flooding escaped relatively unscathed.

Floods, unfortunately, may continue to be a fact of life but the value of the work post-2007 was proved and we hope the county and EA can go to Government and say: We have a proven track record of success, you can trust us to do more.