I ASSUME that Ralph Leavis is referring to my letter of November 23 when he refers to “... Messrs Siret and Clark...” in his letter (ViewPoints, November 30). It seems that the way he has misspelt my name is as wrong as his arguments.

The tired old line that Hamas is responsible for the deaths in Gaza has been a typical attempt by Israel and its apologists to shift the blame from the Israeli “Defence” Forces’ murderous assaults. It was the IDF which killed 1,400 Gazans (including 300 children) in the 2008 Operation Cast Lead, (cunningly planned to coincide with the US presidential election when the world’s attention would be diverted), not Hamas.

It was the IDF who killed the 160 Gazans in the more recent assault, not Hamas. To answer his questions: with 1.6 million crammed into the besieged Gaza ghetto, there are not many open spaces where there are not civilians. As for Hamas not providing adequate shelters for civilians, this is virtually impossible when Israel prohibits the import into Gaza of cement and other building materials. Like many others, I find it difficult to understand how the US and the obedient UK can support resistance movements in Libya and Syria but label the ones opposing probably the most oppressive regime since the Nazis as “terrorists”.

But sadly these are the double standards to which we have become accustomed. Meanwhile, I shall resume being “...consumed by my own indignation...”.

GORDON CLACK, Witney Road, Ducklington