ABINGDON Road was partially reopened to traffic last night. But Thames Valley Police have refused to reveal when its officers were monitoring barriers on the road, despite calls for help from Oxford County Council.

As reported in yesterday’s Oxford Mail, a number of drivers were ignoring the barriers on Abingdon Road, put in place on Tuesday due to the heavy flood water.

Concerns were raised by residents that the waves they were creating were damaging their homes. So the county council contacted the police for help to enforce the cordon.

But traders and residents the Oxford Mail spoke to yesterday claimed they hadn’t seen much in the way of police enforcement.

Wayne Gray, from Fat Phil’s Angling Centre in Abingdon Road, said: “No one seems to be doing anything. There are some council people at the blockades but they just seem to be getting abuse.

“Since Tuesday I haven’t seen a single police officer. It’s just deserted.”

Paul Ludlam, of National Tyres, said: “The council said it was closed but it doesn’t look closed to me. People are just moving the blockades. Cars are everywhere.”

When initially approached, Thames Valley Police claimed they were helping to enforce road closures. But yesterday afternoon a spokeswoman refused to say at what time or for how long officers had monitored the situation.

Rebecca Webber said: “The issue of road closures due to flooding is dealt with by the Highways Agency and they man any cordons and road closures.

“During this week’s flooding in the Abingdon Road, PCSOs and officers have occasionally visited the cordons to ensure the Highways Agency does not require any assistance, however this is not something that we are able to provide times of.

“Any queries about flooding and associated road closures should be directed to the Highways Agency as it is not a police matter.”