STILL going strong after 25 years, Waterstones in Oxford’s Broad Street held a star-studded celebration.

On Thursday night one of the city’s most famous authors, Philip Pullman, joined Olympic rower Greg Searle and legendary chef Antonio Carluccio in marking the shop’s quarter-century.

There was also music from rock ’n’ roll band Josie and the Outlaw, canapes provided by The Randolph Hotel and Outsider Tart Bakery, along with art from the Phoenix Comic team.

Mr Pullman said the evening, which ran from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, had been well organised and was very enjoyable.

He said: “I’ve been using the shop for many years and accidentally buy a book almost every time I walk past.

“It’s in one of the best corners in Oxford and was bound to be a popular spot for a bookshop.

“And I thought Josie and the Outlaw were fantastic – some of the best music I’ve heard in ages. I can’t praise them enough.”