I THINK readers will be getting a little tired of Ian Cummings’ (ViewPoints, November 15), seemingly obsessive but inaccurate reaction to my contributions.

“It was he... that suggested I watch the BBC...”, Mr Cummings wrote, but I never mentioned the BBC. So it just underlines my view that some people either don’t read or cannot absorb what I write. Or maybe more sinisterly, they deliberately twist what I write.

My reference was to the awful Fox News, a right wing US network which would hold Ian’s view of Venezuela, among others!

My distrust of the Beeb goes back to coverage of Iraq and BBC executives cosying up to private health companies, hence their despicable non-coverage of recent Health and Social Care Bill. For reference, read independent journalist Oliver Huitson’s “How The BBC Betrayed The NHS”, a superb article.

The BBC Panorama programme about murdering activists on the Mavi Marmara, breached BBC editorial guidelines (according to a BBC internal enquiry).

An accurate answer to what system I’d like here, not for the first time, is a mixed economy!

The reply regards Cuba is frankly quite laughable but I suspect that will draw a more accurate reply from other.

Ian, just accept as a Socialist you dislike my politics, you won’t be alone but please do not misquote me. And how many countries have Cuba or Venezuela attacked? I didn’t catch your answer!

TIM SIRET, Millmoor Crescent, Eynsham