I WRITE regarding the disability benefit cuts.

There are a wide range of disabilities in the community, all with their own peculiarities, so how can a set assessment apply to all claimants? Besides that, who decides what assessment should take place?

For instance, travelling 50 metres unaided may be impossible for some disabilities but easy for others.

Only an assessment based on an individual’s needs would be fair to all, such as someone with no legs (such as a serviceman doing his duty for this country) or a blind person, or indeed someone with mental impairment. The Government needs to look at its proposals in more detail instead of snatching at straws to save £2bn.

Stroke patients are encouraged to try to do things to improve their capabilities but these Government proposals take away any incentive for improvement.

Again, individuals differ immensely in their own ability to try, so many will see themselves forced on the scrap-heap by this uncaring Government. Is Mr Cameron and co so heartless that pounds come first before people?


Thames Court
