SOMETIMES a simple solution to a complex problem can turn out to be the best, and proof of this can be seen at work in Rose Hill.

Once again a private company has shown the county and city councils that it does not require a vast amount of money spent, or cause undue inconvenience to residents, to alter a design arrangement of traffic lights that is unsatisfactory.

I refer to the chaotic design of the junction of Ashhurst Way Oxford Road – the main access way in and out of Rose Hill.

Two decades ago a pedestrian-controlled traffic light system was installed, not at the junction but about 10 metres away on Oxford Road. From the outset these lights highlighted a problem – they were not visible to motorists on Ashhurst Way waiting to turn right towards the ring road and Littlemore.

Their vision was obstructed by vehicles on the inner lane waiting to turn left towards the city centre and Cowley.

There have been a number of minor accidents but fortunately no fatalities.

This issue has been raised many times at area meetings and at the tenants and residents’ meetings, but the councils will not admit a better arrangement of traffic lights is required.

Overnight, the gas board – which is carrying out works at this junction – installed temporary lights that work admirably. Motorists may experience short delays at peak-time hours but they face no risk or need to take chances.

I cannot understand what is preventing the councils from adopting this simple solution.

VIM RODRIGO, Rivermead Road, Rose Hill, Oxford