Marc West joins all the excitement of the World Pooh Sticks Championships

It can be played at any age, requires no training and has very simple rules. If I ever stood a fighting chance of becoming an international champion at anything today was potentially my day.

On a gloriously sunny afternoon in the west Oxfordshire countryside, I followed the trickle of people down a winding path shaded by trees to an idyllic oasis of calm called Langel Common - which played host to a very special event for it’s 33rd annual outing.

Since 1984, hundreds of people have been messing about on the river paying homage to a game inspired by AA Milne’s delightful children’s books. When his characterful bear Winnie The Pooh tripped over and dropped a fir cone into the water below he accidentally invented a game that’s been enjoyed by Tigger, Eeyore and fans across the world for almost a century to date.

Competitors take this very seriously and there was some friendly fighting talk in the queue up to the little wooden bridge over the fast-flowing Windrush. Even with former champ Steven Blantz by my side to give me his top tips, as I chose my position I knew Lady Luck would be playing her part too along the five-metre course to the finish line.

I took a deep breath, crossed my fingers and gently released the small wooden baton to its fate below – all the while repeating Christopher Robin’s wise words in my head like a mantra: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."

Rushing over to the other side, I squint into the sun to watch its progress…or lack of! My green stick was bobbing way behind the yellow stick of the seven year-old next to me – maybe colour and youth play their parts too? However, the judge’s decision was final and I retired to the Rotary Club for refreshments of tea and (of course) honey straight from the jar.

As Pooh himself said: “Sometimes the smallest things take the most room in your heart” and this event certainly filled mine. It’s a truly community-driven effort and the perfect way to while away the hours.


  • Choose a straight stick to reduce drag in the water
  • Big stick doesn’t always beat little stick
  • Choose well your spot on the bridge, having studied the current
  • To reduce wind resistance, drop the stick vertically
  • Lean over the side as low as possible, but don’t fall in!