It's late at night and you get that won't-go-away craving. Pizza, it has to be pizza.

But you don't want to sit down in a restaurant and go through the whole 'eating out' rigmarole. Neither do you want a brand name pizza, oozing with cheese and saturated fat.

Nope, you know exactly how it's got to be and are despairing of finding one of those proper Italian thin and crispy jobs, when you drive past La Dolce Vita, in Summertown, Oxford, broadcasting their takeaway option.

La Dolce Vita may only have four pizzas on the menu - pepperoni, fish, vegetarian or the La Dolce Vita Surprise, but they were exactly as we'd hoped for - thin, wide, crispy, generous on toppings and with a wonderful rich tomato sauce. What more can you want for just about £6.50 each?