
  • Sums add up for computer growth

    COMPUTER company MathEngine has raised £6.5m from investors to finance its growth plans. The company, based at the Oxford Innovation Centre in Mill Street, has issued new ordinary shares to fund its expansion into the entertainment, education, engineering

  • Red tape ties up crossing patrol

    A lollipop woman was sent home one day into her new job - because of a red tape blunder. Wendy Brock, 39, of Crutchmore Crescent, Kirtlington, worked as a school crossing patrol officer for five and half years until April this year when she decided to

  • Safety call by coroner

    A coroner has demanded action on a busy road crossing where a young cyclist was knocked down and killed. Nine-year-old Ryan Sullivan died as he was crossing a road just a few hundred yards from his home in Sturt Road, Charlbury, in June. He was crossing

  • PM reveals vision of 'learning habit'

    Prime Minister Tony Blair told an Oxford audience that he wanted to create a nation hooked on learning. Education was the key to competitiveness and productivity, he said at the Sheldonian Theatre in Broad Street. Giving the annual Oxford University Romanes

  • Court hears grief led to suicide bids

    The sister of two children murdered in an arson attack told a court she was so grief-stricken she attempted suicide "a few times". Nazmeen Khan, 21, was speaking at a court hearing into allegations she was one of a mob who stormed the family home of Haroon

  • Any contact with the outside world makes her own world cave in

    Juliette hasn't been out for a meal or a drink for years, can't make a phone call in public and is scared of leaving her house. And it's not because she's agoraphobic. Juliette is one of the many silent sufferers of social phobia, which is a fear of making

  • Brothers in line for big day

    By Jon Murray IT COULD be a red-letter day for the Weatherstones when Oxford United take on Stoke City at the Manor Ground tomorrow. Ross Weatherstone, outstanding in his one and only first-team game at Reading last month, is set to return to the three-man

  • Shopkeepers unite to crack down on crime

    Traders in east Oxford have joined together to fight crime. The new initiative - East Oxford Shopwatch - was launched after a meeting of shopkeepers and police to address the high burglary rate. The scheme will run along similar lines to Pubwatch, which

  • Go-ahead for gravel depot plan

    Plans for a gravel depot have been given the go-ahead - but stringent conditions will protect nearby residents. Oxfordshire county councillors voted to approve the depot, located just off the A34 near Kidlington alongside the Oxford-Bicester rail line

  • Crisis in hospitals is easing

    Health managers are holding emergency talks after hospitals in Oxfordshire hit a beds crisis. High admission numbers left all beds full, although last night the situation started to ease. Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust chief executive John McDonald

  • Witney foiled in bid for Muttock

    WITNEY Town manager Andy Lyne has been frustrated in his bid to sign centre back Jon Muttock from Carterton Town. Carterton want a small fee for the former Oxford City player, but Witney are unwilling to meet their valuation. Lyne said: "I would have

  • Race issue raises its head

    By Richard Tilley RACISM exists in English cricket - that is the blunt conclusion of a survey commissioned by the England & Wales Cricket Board. And Rupert Evans, a member of the ECB's Racism Study Group, which produced the report, believes more could

  • Some cheer at last for farmers

    Supermarkets across Oxfordshire were today preparing their shelves for the return of T-bone steak. It follows the Government's lifting of the beef-on-the-bone ban this week - which was met with widespread joy by farmers in the county. Stores are expecting

  • MP Shaun sacked for supporting gay rights

    MP Shaun Woodward has been dramatically sacked from the Tory front bench in a row over gay rights. The Witney MP refused to accept the party line over a ban on councils promoting homosexuality. He said the law - introduced under Margaret Thatcher - was