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Travellers pick up their paintbrush

Travellers pick up their paintbrush

An elderly couple who have travelled the world painting together are displaying their work at the Bampton art gallery where they first met.

Ann Manly, 75, and Dennis Harrison, 94, have travelled to Venice, France, Greece and around the UK to paint their watercolours.

The Bampton residents first met at West Ox Arts, in the village, 32 years ago, when Mr Harrison took a painting class taught by Mrs Manly.

Mrs Manly, who helped set up the gallery in the 1970s, said: “I was running a painting course and Dennis turned up and that was it, we fell for each other.

“We managed to get together and have spent the rest of our lives painting. We have had the most wonderful life.

“We love painting and we love travelling and, despite being quite ancient, we have managed to get around.”

The exhibition features about 90 pictures which have all been painted in the last year or so.

All the pieces were painted at the location and the aim was to capture the moment and the feeling of their subjects.

Mrs Manly said: “We believe that you should just sit down and paint it. It just captures something you cannot get in a photo.”

The exhibition will run until Sunday, April 1.

Published on 24/03/2012
Travellers pick up their paintbrush