A woman who saved her twin sister from a crocodile attack is set to complete an endurance swim starting from Henley. 

Georgia Laurie, 31, from Sandhurst in Berkshire took drastic action and punched a reptile in the face when it attacked her twin Melissa while they were in Mexico in June 2021.

Now the sisters are set to swim the Thames Marathon on August 11 to raise money for two causes, PTSD UK and Compañeros En Salud, a charity in Mexico which provides essential aid and medical training to communities in Chiapas

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They hope to raise more than £4,000 through the endurance swim between Henley and Marlow.

The news comes as Georgia receives a bravery honour after being included on the King’s first Civilian Gallantry List for her bravery. 

The sister's "unbreakable bond" went viral after the crocodile attack in June 2021.

Swimming in a river that was deemed safe, the sisters said "what as a fun excursion with friends to see the bioluminescence almost ended in tragedy" when a crocodile attacked Melissa, three times.

"I fought relentlessly to keep her alive by punching the crocodile off her," Georgia said.

"Eventually, it went away, and a passing boat rescued us.

"From there, it was a 25-minute ride to the shore, during which Melissa fought her own battle for survival." 

Despite being placed in a medically induced coma and developing sepsis, Melissa has now made a full physical recovery. 

Oxford Mail: Georgia has been awarded for her bravery. Picture by PA Media Georgia has been awarded for her bravery. Picture by PA Media (Image: PA)

Georgia was also seriously hurt but will now receive the King’s Gallantry Medal, which acknowledges exemplary acts of bravery.

“It’s an honour. I was so shocked as well when I received the letter because I didn’t see it coming. I didn’t expect it," Georgia said. 

“I feel really privileged. It’s a silver lining to have come out of the terrible ordeal… it kind of softens the whole traumatic experience.

“It’s been a good thing for not just me but for the whole family.

"I feel like I have to share it with my sister because, let’s face it, I don’t think I would have been nominated for it if she didn’t survive.

“What’s made this story so incredible is Melissa’s unwavering bravery throughout it all because she was so strong during it and I don’t think I would be here without her. She really gave me the strength to keep fighting.”

The twins were swimming in a lagoon near Puerto Escondido when Melissa was dragged under the water.

Melissa survived with an open fracture to her wrist, severe puncture wounds to the abdomen and many injuries to her leg and foot, while Georgia was bitten on her hand.

“The further away it gets, the less it feels real," Georgia said.

“But then something like this happens and it puts it all back into perspective again, like wow, that actually did happen, it’s a crazy story."

This year’s Civilian Gallantry List, which includes nine people, is the first to be approved by the King.