A medical centre that provides help, support and care for some of the most vulnerable people in Oxford has been refurbished.

Luther Street Medical Centre, an award-winning GP surgery that provides healthcare to the homeless and those vulnerably housed, has had its reception area transformed.

The refurbishment includes new flooring, fresh paint, and an updated and accessible reception area.

Oxford Health’s chief executive, Grant Macdonald, paid a visit to see the improvements.

He said: "Everyone who comes to Luther Street is treated with dignity and respect and the staff here really are amazing.

"They work with some of the community’s most vulnerable people and I believe that they play a very important role in their lives."

He added: "The new flooring, colour scheme and general overhaul of the reception may seem like a small thing, but it makes a big difference and gets any visit to Luther Street off on the right foot."

Practice manager, Louise Daly, said: “Luther Street was set up almost 40 years ago and has been a valuable part of the city centre ever since.

"It is very easy for people who are homeless or vulnerably housed to register with us.

"We also provide advice on registering elsewhere if someone is moving to another part of the county or country.”

The practice opened in 1985 in temporary accommodation and now has between 450 and 500 patients on its books at any one time.