A UNIVERSITY student who was allegedly raped in an Oxford churchyard told a jury she was ‘panicked and frozen’.

Khaliz Alshimery, 46, is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with rape, assault by penetration and three counts of sexual assault – all alleged to have happened on November 19 last year.

The student, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was walking home from a night out when Alshimery reportedly dragged her into St Clement’s churchyard, off Marston Road, and assaulted her.

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Alshimery, who was staying at a Holiday Inn in Blackbird Leys at the time, has denied the offences and told the police it was consensual.

During the trial on Wednesday (May 15), defence barrister Peter Du Feu cross-examined the alleged victim, putting forward suggestions that she had initiated sexual interaction between the pair.

It was heard that at about 2.30am, the girl noticed the defendant on the High Street in Oxford.

He allegedly ‘wrapped’ his arms around her before ‘pushing her against a door’ and kissing her.

Mr Du Feu asked: “Can I suggest it was you that initiated this? That it was consensual between you and quite passionate and going at each other’s necks?”

The girl denied this.

She was then asked why when a passer-by stopped to ask the pair if they were Ok that she didn’t flag there was an issue.

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She said: “The question was for him and I was more focused on getting away. I’m not going a confrontational person. I just carried on walking.”

The court heard that after the girl managed to ‘slip away’ from the defendant, he caught up with her and ‘forced her’ into the churchyard.

She said: “We were walking forward anyway and he had control of where we were going and he pushed me to the churchyard and I didn’t really have a say in it.”

When asked why she didn’t try to call someone, she said: “I’m not sure. I was panicked. I wasn’t really sure what to do.

She alleges she then stood still while the defendant undressed and raped her against a concrete block before she managed to ‘push back against him’.

Mr Du Feu asked why she stood still, she replied: “I was in shock and a little bit panicked and frozen.”

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She then said she asked the defendant to put her skirt back on after the incident.

Mr Du Feu asked: “Why would you want the rapist anywhere near you?”

She said: “I didn’t want to walk home half naked.”

The trial continues.