An Aylesbury teenager who was missing for more than a week has been found after being spotted in Oxford

Iris, 17, had been missing since Friday, May 3 from Aylesbury having last been seen in Oxford where she was believed to have boarded a train. 

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The teenager was seen shortly after on CCTV in Oxford's Westgate shopping centre. 

Iris, whose surname has not been disclosed, was found yesterday (May 13) and a police spokesperson thanked all members of the public who shared the appeal for information. 

Police had previously released CCTV of the last sighting of the 17-year-old with an unknown man in Oxford city centre. 

PC Simon Lincoln had emphasised that the man pictured in CCTV was not a suspect of any offence. 

Thames Valley Police is no longer appealing to speak to the man in the footage.