SO HERE we have it: almost every day now the Oxford Mail runs stories on panic in the corridors of local government about the Westgate monster-tobe, a voracious creature whose due date falls on October 24, a birth which will rapidly render central Oxford a monstrously difficult place in which to spend any time.

Not to worry though, the Westgate II dream of Ian Hudspeth and Alex Hollingsworth was a noble one, based on sound ecoeconomic community principles of unbridled growth (eh?) that won’t, of course, lead to Oxford’s self-destruction.

While Frankenstein’s monster was tragically misunderstood, Oxford’s monsters of overcrowding, congestion, vile and health-damaging air pollution, absence of ‘affordable’ (a pitiable misnomer) homes, will soon be bigger and better than ever. The fate of Christmas turkeys comes to mind.

That said, what Oxford is now facing is no joking matter. As for Oxfordshire...


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