I WOULD like to echo the thoughts of both Chris Tipler and Steve Chandler, whose letters were published in the Oxford Mail (February 24).

Reluctance to accept the Brexit referendum result, by a number of your regular correspondents, and their inability to grasp the fact that we are leaving the EU, is becoming tedious.

One such person is Councillor Bob Price. He has regularly expressed views on the damage that will be caused by leaving the EU.

What I find difficult to level is that on the one hand Councillor Price, being so staunch a remainer, and as such, willing to continue to give up the nation’s ability to control its own destiny.

On the other hand he spends £27,000 on an ad campaign to denounce the idea of a unitary council for Oxfordshire because the city council, in the words of the ad, will lose the ability to control its own destiny.

Anyone else find this odd? Another regular contributor, and subject of Steve Chandler’s letter, is Abingdon’s walking lexicon Ian Miles.

I get his hidden message that he is an educated individual, but his verbose and vexatious rantings, regarding Brexit, could be so much more concise.

In the words of a refused four-year-old, red-faced and stamping his feet, ‘I want! I want! I want!’ should cover it. But as we all know, I want doesn’t get, Mr Miles. Get over yourself.

TREVOR RICHARDS Kipling Close Bicester