THE announcement of Government support for the so-called East West Railway link between Oxford and Cambridge seems to have been justified on the basis that it will create (another) ‘high-tech corridor’ between the two university towns that will be flooded with new start up companies and their associated employees etc. 

While this would appear to be good news it does raise significant questions:

  • Is the line commercially viable given the number of private transport initiatives that have failed over the last decade due to lack of demand?
  •  Wouldn’t this ‘high tech corridor’ be better sited to develop similar growth between Manchester and Sheffield or Coventry and Birmingham Universities in support of the Northern Powerhouse or Midlands Engine respectively?
  • Given that employment is already high in the South East, how can this growth be supported without workers migrating into the area adding to pressure on housing and infrastructure? 

In an area where building land prices are already high this can only mean a continued lack of affordable housing and a detrimental impact on existing communities. The Northern Powerhouse or Midlands Engine regions are much better placed, and welcoming, of such developments.

More importantly and closer to home:

  • How will this impact the existing Science Vale development? How many companies, assumed to develop here, will actually migrate north?

• As a consequence, what will be the effect on the associated housing demand defined by the LEP/SHMA, that is generating patently unsustainable demands on housing and infrastructure in the South and West of the county? 

The conclusions of the SHMA have already been severely dented by Brexit, and are now based on even shakier assumptions. It’s credibility is already questionable and is now surely untenable. 

This announcement provides a great opportunity for Oxfordshire local authorities to instruct a review of the SHMA, and arrive at more realistic housing and infrastructure strategy.

Let’s hope for action before the county is destroyed by unnecessary developments that result in no one wanting to live here!

