I AM an elderly disabled lady living in sheltered accommodation.

For a long time I have gratefully used the Dial-a-Ride bus service which was formerly organised by Oxfordshire County Council.

A few years ago a representative of OCC came and talked with the residents here and urged more of them to use the service.

However, shortly afterwards a significant fault in the organisation of the service emerged.

Bookings had to be made weekly which involved making a long and laborious telephone call to OCC.

Then suddenly only one of the four residents wishing to use the service was allowed to do so: the rest were informed that the bus was full.

In fact it went from Botley to Sainsbury’s at Heyford Hill carrying just ONE passenger!

This happened a few times week after week.

I contacted the Oxford Mail who sent along a reporter and a photographer. Needless to say that particular problem did not happen again!

Now the Dial-a-Ride service is organised by the charity Aspire, and we experience no problems.

The county council also operates the Blue Badge scheme for the disabled.

This seems to operate in the same ridiculous, inefficient, disorganised manner as the former Dial-a-Ride service.

I realise this is no doubt a well-used service, but that should not stop it being run efficiently. Is this something else that could be run more efficiently by someone else, perhaps Aspire?

However, it does beg the question as to why the county council can’t run even comparatively small operations efficiently?


Henry Road, Oxford