ON Tuesday, London Regeneration Ltd held a public consultation to consult on its outline planning application (P16/V0646/O). 

This development would add at least 360 homes to the village of Sutton Courtenay. This site is not included in the Local Plan and is on green field outside of the existing settlement.

The event was not advertised. Houses in the vicinity of the development were leafleted but the village as a whole was not informed.

The consultation was held at the village hall in working hours. To date, there is no other public consultation planned. Any villagers who work or were unavailable on this afternoon could not attend. 

The outline planning application closed for public comments yesterday. Just one day after the event.

How can this afternoon event be called a public consultation exercise? These developers must be required to provide adequate public consultation. 

This afternoon session was not public consultation and must not be used to tick that box.

Villagers must be allowed to attend a proper public consultation.

High Street, Sutton Courtenay