Recent correspondence has highlighted the archaic and undemocratic way in which we elect our parliament. We have UKIP attracting 3.9 million votes to elect one MP whilst the SNP (1.4 million) elects 56, and the Lib Dems (2.4 million) equates to eight seats.

In a truly proportional system (not the AV System proposed by the Lib Dems and rejected by parliament), the number of votes cast for a particular party results in a proportional number of seats.

If such a system had been in force at the General Election, UKIP would have won 82 seats, the SNP 31, Lib Dems 51 and 25 for the Greens, who only managed one seat under first past the post.

Over the years I have been entitled to vote in many constituencies including Abingdon & West Oxford, Henley and Cherwell, but in the whole of my voting life (I am 81) my vote has never resulted in my choice of candidate being elected, thus my vote has always been discounted.

There are many millions of people who, because of this undemocratic system, are not represented and I would recommend they and other fair-minded people sign the Make Seats Match Votes petition organised by The Electoral Reform Society online at

The Greens have already presented a petition to Downing Street calling for the present system to be changed and if the Lib Dems, UKIP and other similarly aggrieved parties encouraged their members to sign the petition, perhaps we could get a change to a more democratic system by the next General Election.

In the event of parliament failing to take these petitions seriously perhaps parties that feel disenfranchised should combine to form a single issue party and contest this grievance at the election.

Mallards Way