DARLINGTON’S newest councillor has pledged to give 110 per cent to residents after her victory in a by-election.

Helen Crumbie was named Labour councillor for Lascelles ward after a three way fight with the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats and will serve alongside fellow Labour councillor Wendy Newall.

Ms Crumbie received 426 votes, 63 per cent of the total votes cast, while Tory candidate Lewis Cairns recorded 117 votes, or 17 per per cent, and Howard Jones won 129 votes, or 19 per cent, for the Lib Dems.

The by-election in Lascelles ward was held following the death of Councillor Jackie Maddison, who held the seat for Labour for more than ten years.

Ms Crumbie, 45, said she was ecstatic to win the seat and paid tribute to the hard work of the team who had helped to canvass the Lascelles ward.

She said: “It was worth every minute of all the hard work. I’m going to give 110 per cent to the residents of Lascelles, I’ve met a fabulous bunch of people while I’ve been out in the ward.

“I will be there all the time and I’m here to do what I can for the residents.”

Asked what issues residents had raised on the doorstep, Ms Crumbie highlighted concerns over the so-called bedroom tax and a general worry about the tightening of household finances.

Labour’s deputy leader Stephen Harker said he delighted to see Labour hold the ward and added: “Helen has worked hard and I’m sure she’s going to be an excellent councillor.

“Jackie Maddison will be a hard act to follow but Helen Crumbie will do her best to meet all the things Jackie tried to do.”

The Liberal Democrats said they were pleased with Mr Jones’ second place finish, which had been the target for a seat the group had not contested for 13 years.

Mr Jones said contesting the by-election had been very enjoyable and pledged to stand again in future.

The Conservative group blamed their third place finish on mid-term blues for the Coalition Government, which they said was affecting local results.

Candidate Lewis Cairns said: “It was very interesting and I learned a lot. It was my first time standing in an election and I don’t regret a single moment.”