THE presenter of BBC TV's Mastermind, Mr Magnus Magnusson, and Mr

Gordon Baxter, head of the international food production company W A

Baxter and Sons Ltd, were among those who received honorary degrees at a

Napier University graduation ceremony yesterday in Edinburgh.

Mr Magnusson, an Icelander, who is chairman of Scottish Natural

Heritage and has specialised as a writer in history, archaeology and

current affairs, was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters.

In addition to Mastermind he has presented many other programmes on

both television and radio and has had more than 20 books published.

Mr Magnusson chaired the Cairngorms Working Party which produced the

report Commonsense and Sustainability -- a Partnership in the


Mr Baxter, who received an honorary degree of Business Administration,

has been chairman and managing director of the Speyside family firm

since 1970. He holds the OBE for services to exports, has served on the

British National Export Council and has been an honorary citizen of

Dallas since 1968.

An honorary degree of Business Administration was also awarded to Mr

Stephen Ho, founder and managing director of a Hong Kong shipping

company. Mr Ho came to Scotland in 1971 to further his academic studies,

firstly at Aberdeen College of Commerce and then at Edinburgh College of

Commerce, later to merge with Napier College where he graduated in
