June 18.

May I attempt to bring some balance to the debate on industrial

tribunals (June 17).

Tribunal judgments are made by a legally qualified chairman, supported

by representatives from the nominees of both the trade unions and

employers. I know that both the employers' organisations and trade

unions agree that they operate in a fair and balanced manner.

Tribunals are equally valuable to both the employer and the employee.

It is generally the case that employers will only proceed to a tribunal

hearing when they or their advisers (many of whom, like Scottish

Engineering, have considerable experience in these matters) believe that

the outcome is likely to be in their favour.

On the other hand there are many instances where the fact that there

is to be a tribunal can persuade an employer that there is a weakness in

his case and to settle the matter through conciliation. I believe

Scotland is well served by an industrial tribunal system that is

intrinsically fair and accessible.

Howard A. J. Jordan,

Chief Executive,

Scottish Engineering,

105 West George Street,
