JUST one person applied to replace police chief Sara Thornton, the office of Police and Crime Commissioner Anthony Stansfeld has admitted.

Deputy Chief Constable Francis Habgood was named as Mr Stansfeld’s preferred candidate for the job after no one else competed with him for the role.

A report on the recruitment process said application packs were openly available.

It added adverts for the role were published online and sent to the College of Policing, Association of Chief Police Officers and all chief constables in England and Wales for circulation.

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The report, from Mr Stansfeld’s office, said: “Consideration was given for a wider advertising campaign.

“It was considered that any potential candidate would have been made aware of the vacancy. It was therefore considered that further advertisement was unlikely to widen the pool of potential candidates any further. Expenditure of public funds on wider advertisement campaigns would not therefore have been justified or necessary.”

Mr Habgood’s selection has to be confirmed by the Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel on Friday, March 27.