NICHOLAS Lawrence (Letters) is correct that cyclists seldom land on their heads; their most serious head injuries are usually from hitting a wall or lamp post when forced to swerve and fall by inconsiderate drivers.

So cycle helmets for children (and decrepit oldies!) are desirable in heavy traffic. He is also right about the Netherlands – my home for many years, but Holland is a civilised country, not one dominated (as I fear UK will continue to be) by road-hogs, with their contempt for public transport; and our county council chairman and his allies, ambitious to link Oxford and Cambridge with yet another costly traffic jam.

HUBERT ALLEN Boult’s Lane Old Marston Warning to the would-be French president Macron IF EMMANUEL Macron is elected French President, as a Euro fanatic, his priority will be to teach the British a lesson they will not forget!

Let me caution Mr Macron: in the last three centuries there have been Europeans who thought they would teach the British a lesson they would not forget.

Mr Macron, history is not on your side.

GLYN LIMMER Roosevelt Road Long Hanborough