I AM dismayed that the independent traders in the West Way Centre in Botley have been given notice to vacate by June, and that under the new phasing plan, only three or four traders will be provided with temporary premises. 

A key point in the planning application was continuity of retail and service provision in this 'retail-led' development, such that new units would be up and running before the existing centre was closed down. 

There will be no cafe in the centre, for the foreseeable future. Cafe Aloha and other places were popular meeting places for all; from young families to the residents of Field House. Where will these people meet now? Our community will be lost. 

And it gets worse. Mace told us the build would last 3.5 years. They were then told their phasing plan would cost much more than they expected, and take 5.5 years. Did they really miscalculate so badly, or did they offer their promises to us, knowing that they were unachievable?

Most of us have been saying just get on with it, we've been waiting four years now. But this is not what we meant.

Eynsham Road, Botley