I CHALLENGE N Jones (Letters, October 18) to: (a) calm down and stop ranting, and then (b) explain precisely and cogently quite how a post-Brexit Britain is “going to be a great country”.

Perhaps s/he could start by clarifying even a couple of the following:

-How an unmandated PM (never voted-in as such by country nor party) – after a supposedly "overwhelming" 13:12 outcome in a technically-merely-advisory plebiscite, and with whose sole demand she herself had not formerly agreed – has any business seeking to circumvent Parliament on an issue of such scale, yet all in the name of the supposed primacy of British Law and democracy. Is this a model of "great" political behaviour? 

- In what actual ways it is prudent, timely and decent, deliberately and even with relish, to sever commercial and cultural links with our mainland neighbours p How our infrastructure and economy will benefit by alienating and expelling key members of our workforce, universities and communities, and dissuading others that might have wished to come here for mutual benefit.

-How effectively our alreadystretched NHS will look after those of us left, without the £350m per week (see bus), and once the large "foreign" portion of its staff at all levels has been sent packing.

-How consonant it is with broadly traditional British/Christian values, that we slam shut the harbour gates at Dover and elsewhere against destitute refugees from more benighted parts of our world.

- How a recent currency depreciation of virtually 20 per cent is a signal of our economic resilience. p How the direct and indirect costs of withdrawal from the EU (legal fees, for starters) are to be factored into our future prosperity; and how much parliamentary time will be available post-2019 for "routine" business other than unpicking bits of post-EU law that someone happens not to like (eg human rights).

- The wisdom of engaging a foreign secretary whose persistent personal opportunism and lack of dignity make a mockery of that office and, by extension, of our would-be "great" country on the world stage.

These are all concerns that have largely loomed “since Brexit”, as N Jones would no doubt crowingly phrase it; so since s/he claims to be unbiased and in touch with reality, perhaps s/he would be kind enough to set us thickies wise.

No doubt Taking Back Control already included solutions for such minor blips: let’s hear just how!


Vintner Road, Abingdon