EXACTLY two years ago as a result of an accident I ended up in the A&E Department of the John Radcliffe.

I received amazing treatment from all the staff and I asked all of those who helped me where they came from.

Many of them were from all sorts of countries in the EU and outside.

Two operations later, followed by a five-day stay in the hospital, I continued to ask everyone – doctors, nurses, physios and other specialist staff where they were from.

I was so grateful that these wonderful people were working in our hospitals and wondered what on earth we would do if they didn’t come to work in the UK.

I saw a programme on TV a few weeks before the referendum when a lady in the audience said that she thought that if we stopped immigrants coming to the UK we would all be able to get hospital beds more quickly.

The response from one of the panellists was “Yes – you would definitely be able to get a bed quicker but the only problem would be is that you would not have anyone to treat you when you were in there”.

How true, I thought.

City councillor for Littlemore
County councillor for Rose Hill and Littlemore