FIFTEEN days to go to the vital “In/ out” decision. Providing it goes the way I want, I will be glad when it is all over! 

Please give us all a break – the wretched referendum even invaded Countryfile on Sunday! People will vote how they want to vote and, sadly, there will be little we can do about the end result, like it or not.

“Remains” are becoming like petulant toddlers screaming to get their own way. “Leaves” are understandably fighting back to counteract this. All I can say is grow up! I am sick to death of it as I am sure most people are now.

Scaremongering is not going to alter people’s views. I don’t claim to know much about politics – I did joke with a politician I know very well (and happen to like as a person) that you always knew they were lying the minute they opened their mouths, but please just BELT UP about the EU and roll on polling day.

I’m hibernating until then to preserve my sanity on the subject. Now, shall I vote “in” or “out”? Hmm…


Wenrisc Drive, Minster Lovell