THE councillors responsible for the loony idea of banning diesel cars from the city centre need to look at where the real diesel pollution is coming from.

The main area of concern is outside the Taylorian in St Giles, where for decades coaches have been allowed to park while their engines are left running.

The resulting obnoxious fumes pumped into the air have led to Oxford being labelled “The pollution capital of Europe”.

The added danger to cyclists from coaches parked on the nearby cycle lane is another major concern ignored by local authorities – wake up “Cyclox”.

The campaign for “a cleaner greener Oxford” is just as impotent as the councillors involved in its conception.

It has yet to address even the most basic of green requirements in private and council tenancies, hardly any of which have double glazing, insulation or basic central heating, which should by now be a legal obligation, given the evident signs of global warming.

Clarendon St, Oxford