IN THE light of the recent allegations about car manufacturers falsifying the emissions of their engines, I would like to comment on something that I heard at the time of the recent General Election.

Did I dream it or am I correct in saying that a statement was made that, in future, revenue collected from excise duty/road tax will be used for the sole purpose of what it was originally intended and that being the upkeep in good repair of our roads?

If this is true, then surely all vehicles, regardless of emissions, should contribute by paying road tax regardless of how clean their engines are.

For far too long, owners of older cars have been penalised with ever-increasing road tax hikes because of the Green issue.

It’s never said what damage aircraft do to the atmosphere and those that have huge stakes in the industry want another runway which will mean more planes and surely more pollution. But that doesn’t really matter as it’s more money for the rich.

Never mind, the powers that be will satisfy the Green activists by clobbering Joe Bloggs in his old Ford Cortina.

Lewell Avenue
Old Marston