ALTHOUGH I often find myself in favour of some of the views of members of the Green Party, I find myself at odds with those of Dr Hazel Dawe on the regeneration of Cowley.

To start with, West Oxford (North Hinksey and Botley), with its low population density, cannot compare with the east of Oxford which must have more residents than the rest of the city put together.

There was a time when Oxford was the central hub for shoppers but, with the expansion of the area around the city, it’s clear that its medieval layout can’t cope.

To my mind, what is needed is a new shopping hub in the area with the highest density of housing and that has to be east of Oxford.

If someone is prepared to upgrade the present Cowley shopping centre I go along with that.

As for housing – there would probably be enough for those working in the area if houses were not taken up by commuters but, short of the Government forcing building close to where people work, I can’t see an answer.

In any case, I doubt if building to the east of the city is going to stop.

It seems that there is a local shortage of modestly priced hotels to satisfy tourist demand, but Cowley does not seem the ideal place to put one. Far better at, say, Waterstock, near to the new Oxford Park railway station.

Fortnam Close, Headington, Oxford