THERE now appears to be a new tourist attraction in the city to rival Oxford in Bloom but it doesn’t seem to have attracted the publicity it deserves.

This may possibly be because whereas Bloom is a gorgeous riot of colour the newcomer is predominantly only two tones.

I am of course referring to the orange and white cones sprouting up all around the city and it’s environs.

Unfortunately, unlike some fabled orchids, this species does not briefly burst into life and fade away after a day or two but rather lasts for months (in some cases over a year ).

They then definitely lose their allure and become more like a troublesome weed than a lustrous bloom.

However credit should be given where it’s due, and as certain types of rose are named after famous people, I think it only fair that Messrs Hudspeth and Nimmo-Smith are recognised accordingly.

I know their names are often on my lips on my daily crawl on the Eastern Bypass.

Barrett Street, Oxford