I THOUGHT I would write another letter about the Dean Court 4C bus route as it seems nothing has been done to reinstate it at the moment.

I’ve tried myself to use the suggested S1 Witney bus while trying to visit Botley and Oxford but both times the S1 bus has been packed and the last bus I got on only had the small lift-up disabled seat left so I was lucky because if anybody else with crutches, like myself, or in a wheelchair or any other mobility aid for that matter would have to have a short straw competition to see who got it.

It’s no good people saying ‘Oh why don’t you wait for another bus to come along.’ That’s no good to me or anybody else.

I’ve not been out for a couple of weeks now because of this situation and I’ve been informed that many of the older people and others with mobility issues and people with young children in pushchairs have not made the frequent journeys that they used to make when we had our own Dean Court bus 4C service. I am writing this for those people who do not wish to write and email the concerns they have.

I just feel as though that Dean Court residents have been swept under the carpet on this matter.

I’m sure that if it had been one of the other bigger estates in Oxford that had the bus service stopped completely they wouldn’t just be writing, they’d be fighting to keep the bus service running.

So please can we have our 4C service back, if not for me, then the elderly and less mobile and people with young children that live in the area and did commute on this bus.

R. SMITH (Mr) Pinnocks Way Botley Oxford