YOUR article titled Madrid, Fulham… Botley (November 12) reads as a publicity stunt for Doric.

The proposition that the new shopping centre will reduce traffic is baffling.

I am at loss to understand how expanding public parking capacity from the existing 150 to 550 places can be compatible with reducing traffic in our neighbourhood. Furthermore, Doric indicated during their public exhibition that extra lanes would be created under the ring road bridge to accommodate the new influx of traffic in Botley.

Doric’s participation in multi-million shopping centres in ‘Madrid and Zaragoza’ also needs to be looked at with more care. While it is easy to find images of Nassica and Puerto Venecia on the internet, information about the exact role of Doric is less readily available. This reader has not been able to find any trace of Doric’s involvement in those ventures as anything other than a minority investor. The internet images of Nassica and Puerto Venecia leave no doubt of what they are – out-of-town, car-borne, retail parks – not for the local community. This record should not reassure many people in Botley.


Cumnor Rise Road


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