COULD it be that the choppy waters of the Temple Cowley Pools are starting to settle?

It is good to see Oxford City Council and campaigners starting to work together on developing a workable scheme that could potentially benefit all invovled.

No matter the outcome, at least the council appears to be considering all the options, rather than jumping straight into the deep end.

In any case, rather than following a set course, our local authority must be seen to be making calls based on proposals’ individual merits.

Although the campaigners’ bid did not, in the end, fulfill the criteria to be considered alongside its commericial rivals, by changing their plans to lease instead of buy, it shows a considered approach.

The council must now follow through and give the plans their due consideration.

At least the TCP campaigtners feel they have been given a shot.

Regardless of what side you agree with, it is excellent to see people making an effort to do something for their community.

And it is also good to hear the council are giving the group time to work up their case.

These ideas only bear fruit when allowances are made, and it certainly feels that both sides are edging nearer to finding a resolution.