Oxford Mail: Oxford Mail masthead 620

Please complete this form to submit an obituary to be considered for publication within the Oxford Mail. All sections, including your contact details, must be filled in for this submission to be considered.

A photograph of the deceased (taken within the past five years), may be attached and if suitable for reproduction will be printed. It should be a jpeg.

As this is a free service we are unable to guarantee when the obituary will appear within the paper. Please note we do not accept submissions more than two months following the funeral.

Title and Full Name of the Deceased:

Husband/wife/widow(er)/son/daughter of:

Died on:


Cause of death

Date of birth:

Born in:

Lived in
(please supply locations):

Most recent address:

Employment details:

Next of kin
(number of relatives, including step families, ie two sons etc. Christian names, in-laws and friends are not to be submitted):

Date of funeral:

Location of funeral:

Prior to cremation/interment at
(please specify which):

Officiating Clery/Speaker (please specify):

Funeral director:

Name, full address and contact phone number of person submitting this form:

Your email:

Further information and interesting facts
(Please use this area to give details of interesting elements – groups and associations the deceased belonged to, interesting incidents in their lives, hobbies, special awards, etc):

Acknowledgements to hospitals, carers, friends, etc, will not be included, nor will donation details.

Attach picture file

JPEG format please

Please untick the box if you do not wish us to send any additional information.

Please take two minutes to check your submission and correct any mistakes. The Oxford Mail will not accept responsibility for the publication of incorrect information or mistakes submitted through this form.

The Oxford Mail reserves the right to contact you to find out more information for its obituaries section.

Alternatively you can download a version of this form via the link below and email it to obituaries@nqo.com

Obituary Submission Form.doc