On May 6, 1954, Oxfordshire legend Roger Bannister became the first person to break the four-minute mile barrier at Iffley Road track in Oxford, and on the 50th anniversary of this great achievement a commemorative 50p coin was minted.

Sir Roger still lives in Oxford and is still very much a legend.

Whilst we can’t all aspire to breaking time barriers, and having our own 50p coin, we can still do our best to literally make every second of our lives count, and make our own mark in the community.

2012 is an exceptional year as we celebrate the Queen’s 60-year reign and her service to others. This is the inspiration behind the Oxfordshire Community Foundation’s Jubilee Fund, and offers everyone a real chance not only to do their bit for the community, but also to experience the personal satisfaction and uplift that comes from ‘doing’.

It is definitely a unique feeling when you know that you have made a real difference to someone or something that you really care about.

But don’t just take our word for it — come and find out for yourself. The Oxfordshire Community Foundation would love you to join us at our Charitable Bond launch, which will support our Jubilee Fund for Oxfordshire.

The launch will take place in central Oxford on Thursday, May 17, between 5pm and 7pm, and we have two exceptional guest speakers lined up; Tim Jones the chief executive of Allia Social Profit Society and Casey Lord, Investment Executive, Venturesome Charities Aid Foundation. Refreshments will be provided.

This event is one of a series of seminars on Developments in Social Finance and Other Investment Models, and will give you a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded people. We promise that this will be a great investment of your time, and open up so many possibilities to enrich your life through enriching others.

This is a chance to go your own extra mile, and we can’t wait to meet you. For more information visit www.oxfordshire.org or call The Oxfordshire Community Foundation on 01865 798666 to reserve a place on the night.