ENGLAND is a changed country – we had our own industries, the miners, steel workers, shipbuilders, our own motor company, our own manufactured goods. We came through a war. Today, we have no industry.

Who were all these workers who did their bit? They were the now-elderly, and I should know, as I am a senior citizen.

Are we being recognised for all of this past? We’ve made lifelong contributions to society, we’ve paid our dues and what recognition are we getting?

England has changed and will never be the same again, sad to say. It is not treating the elderly with respect.

The dial-a-ride service which enabled disabled people to leave their homes is being disrupted and taken away by the county council.

Come on, county council, give us the transport we so need. All was well and ran well, by the previous firm – we enjoyed our outings and to most of us it meant a lifeline to the outside world.

You’ve asked for a membership fee of £5. So, come on, think again.

BETTE MARTIN, Eden Drive, Headington