WHEN this Coalition took over from Gordon Brown they were quick to say that our national debt was more than a trillion pounds – or £1,300 for every man, woman and child in Britain.

Since then their bail-outs have cost us billions, the war in Afghanistan and Libya has cost us billions and, no doubt, once Gadaffi is gone, the rebuilding of Libya will cost us billions.

The Government can only do this by borrowing more – increasing our national debt.

And don’t listen to David Cameron when he says we have had to do this because Gordon Brown left a lot of debt behind. That’s just spin designed to take your mind off all the problems caused by the Coalition, which seems to have got this country into more debt in a year than any before. The taxpayers can’t afford them.

So much for their ‘Plan A’. God knows what ‘Plan B’ will bring. It’s a frightening thought.

P HOWARD, Brome Place, Barton, Oxford