SO I must have got caught out the other week as I trekked across the uneven field towards the standing stone that's at the burial ground where my mum lies resting.

There is usually a mown path which makes it easier but this time the grass was getting longer and I was having to swing my feet out to the side to avoid the tussocks so I wouldn't catch them and trip up.

I was determined I was going to make it despite a couple of falterings, a loose stone made me wobble and me heart fell out of my chest and dropped to the ground. You know those moments?

I get them often, I'm always scaring myself. I took deep breaths and wobbled on.

I'm in the habit of repeating out loud when I have a near miss: I will not fall over" and that then is my mantra. When I have near misses at home I often talk to muscular dystrophy as it is a person. I will shout at it and tell it that it won't make me fall and to do one.

So on my return from the stone I realised my struggle had been witnessed.

The managers are trying to think of a quiet way of transporting people around the site. A donkey and cart was suggested. How amazing would that be. I was also asked how I'd feel being pushed around in a wheelbarrow.

Yeah! I'd love that. I seem to remember as a toddler being pushed up our high street by my dad in a wheelbarrow.

He must of been going to pick up something heavy like a bag of cement and didn't want the car out for such a small journey. Someone else piped up to 'chuck me on that thing they use for the coffins' – the bier!

I have a lot of transportation and traversal issues.

I've had to change my car from manual to automatic this week I had no choice and you would think wouldn't you if I could of driven a manual I'd be fine with an automatic. No.

I'm now waiting for hand control adaptions before I'm on the road. Well I say waiting. I can book the car in now if I wanted. They would pick it up, have it for three days and return it for me.

It's just the matter of finding £2,500 for what I need! I would need the most expensive one wouldn't I?

The government run a scheme called Access to Work which have paid for me to have taxis to work these last 3 months and they should be able to pay most of the cost taking it down to around £700.

I'm still waiting but I'm guessing I will have to chase them.

MDUK also have a grant scheme to help people with buying adaptions/assistive tech that sort of thing so I've just applied for that as well. It has to go to panel so another waiting game. It's expensive lark being disabled I tell you - I wouldn't advise it!