BLENHEIM Palace has received a highly-regarded tourism award that commends the destination’s continued dedication to excellence.

The VisitEngland Quality Assured Visitor Attraction award offers prospective visitors from all over the world reassurance of the high quality of the World Heritage Site.

With scores of more than 80 per cent in each category, judges awarded Blenheim a 100 per cent score in the retail category and 93 per cent in the attraction category.

Judges were particularly impressed by the broad range of tours and palace experiences.

Heather Carter, operations manager at Blenheim Palace, said: “This represents another great audit by an internationally recognised body of quality for our visitors.

"VisitEngland has given us a very positive score which we are all thrilled with. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff who work so hard to maintain this standard of excellence.”

The palace was built in the early 18th century to celebrate Britain’s victory over the French in the War of the Spanish Succession.