THE demand for free range eggs in general has increased over the past few years. In fact, around half of the eggs sold in supermarkets are now free range.

This is positive as it suggests people are more aware of the plight of our feathered friends.

Unfortunately it’s not quite enough to simple rely on the free-range label.

Although 'free range' is better than caged, it does not guarantee the standard of welfare for hens which 'organic' does.

Free range standards permit the routine use of antibiotics – which can undermine the drugs' efficacy to help treat infections and diseases; beak trimming, which prevents the birds expressing natural behaviours like foraging and pecking at insects and grass, and it permits the use of genetically-modified feed.

They also allow larger flock sizes (which could be up to 16,000 hens or more ) and the indoor stocking density is nine birds per square meter.

The Soil Association states that ‘Organic chickens are raised to organic standards, which not only means free-range but a whole lot more. Organic standards cover not only the animals housing and the amount of space they have, but also the way they are treated, what they are fed and how they are transported and eventually slaughtered. They are not allowed to be fed on GM feed.’

On top of this, 'organic' chickens are not permitted to have their beaks trimmed and they must be kept indoors at a maximum density of six chickens per square meter.

The flock size limits are much lower with a maximum allowance of 2,000 hens. Organic chickens will only be given antibiotics when they need it, as opposed to being given them routinely to prevent illness.

And, because they are kept in lower densities than other farmed chickens, they tend to need antibiotics far less frequently anyway.

It takes a lot of effort and resource to maintain these high organic standards, but by understanding this and paying a little more, anyone who buys organic eggs is allowing people like Cultivate egg suppliers FAI farms in Wytham to continue to do a fantastic job caring for their birds and providing us with great-tasting eggs.