THE latest rough sleeping count in Oxford has revealed 33 people are out on the streets, despite claims by homeless people there is up to 100 people staying outside each night.

Figures released yesterday by Oxford City Council said a count conducted by officers and other organisations revealed the number of rough sleepers found were 33 - down 39 in 2015.

But the council and homeless charities estimate at least 47 people are out on the streets, down from 56 in 2015.

The figures were released after the Oxford Mail revealed the true scale of the homeless crisis after support service budgets were cut by £1.5m by Oxfordshire County Council.

It means current homeless shelters Simon House and Julian Housing will be 'decommissioned' by April 2018 - about 200 beds.

Despite the reduction in rough sleepers - according to the authorities - they said the issue of homelessness remained a ‘serious challenge’ in the city.

City councillor Mike Rowley, board member for housing, said: “We remain concerned with street homelessness in the city, even though the number of rough sleepers counted on the particular night had declined compared to last year.

“Rough sleeping is a big issue in Oxford and we want to continue to support the organisations that make a difference.”

Busker Neo, who says he lives outdoors by choice, said he had counted 102 people sleeping rough on the streets in and around the city centre.

The 44-year-old said he laughed at the current figures of rough sleepers.

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