A "DISRESPECTFUL" greetings card display which depicted "Cheeses of Nazareth" has been removed from a shop window following a complaint.

Rather than spreading Christmas cheer at Scribbler, in Oxford city centre, it caused disgust for one resident as two of the best-sellers mocked Jesus.

One card in the display depicted the religious figure as a cheese with a beard and the caption 'Cheeses of Nazareth'.

The other showed a picture of Jesus with the line: 'It's all about me.'

Spokesman for Scribbler Eliot James said it was the first time the company had received a complaint for a display.

He said: "We sell these images as greetings cards, but agree they shouldn’t have been in the window. 

"We always enlarge best-selling cards to display in the window but anything with the potential to cause offence should be excluded from this list. 

"This clearly hasn’t happened in this case and the two images have been removed from the window."

Cumnor Hill resident Christine Juarez said it was "wonderful" the store had agreed to remove the display.

The mother-of-three said: "The Scribbler shop is excellent at keeping its word and the offensive window display was taken down and replaced with alternate items.

"It was just so tasteless and disrespectful.

"It is such a quaint and beautiful local shop, but I was shocked and dismayed when I saw the posters mocking Jesus and sending out a deceitful message for their chosen Christmas window display."